Senin, 14 Desember 2015

7 Character One Piece With Strongest Punch

Anime and Manga One Piece has a lot of characters who have incredible strength. Kind of strength is also very diverse, ranging from the art of the sword, kicks, blows up.Monkey D. Luffy
The most interesting to me is the strength of the form punch crusher. Of course, because Luffy, the main character in this anime, has the main force-type blow. But do you know that the character of one piece which is its main strength crusher blow not only Luffy alone ??? Well, here we try stacking 7 characters in the anime One Piece that has the strongest blow.

1. Monkey D. Garp

Garp the fist
One nickname pinned on GARP figure is "Garp the Fist". This indicates that the main thrust of GARP is a blow. Although not a devil fruit user, GARP has been given the nickname of the sort. Means the ability to punch really very frightening. Not inferior to blow the devil fruit users.

2. Edward Newgate (Shirohige)
Edward Newgate (Shirohige)
User-Gura Gura fruit devil is able to hit the air. In other words, nothing that can not be beaten by him. So, if the blow is identical with close combat, another with Shirohige super strong blow can damage the object distance is very far. Just imagine if the punch in long distance power just so terrible destruction, what if struck in the distance is so close ???

3. Sengoku
Partner Monkey D. Garp in the navy is the devil fruit Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu very rare that allows it to be transformed into a giant Buddha. It is said that a combined force equivalent to punch punch Luffy Gear 3 combined with his wall candle Mr. 3.
4. Marshall D. Teach (Kurohige)
Marshall D. Teach (Kurohige)
After stealing the power of demons Gura Gura fruit belonging to Whitebeard who died during the war to free Portgas D. Ace, Kurohige or Blackbeard automatically have the force of the blow-destruct previously owned by Whitebeard

5. Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy
After being trained to control the strength of Haki owned by Rayleigh, blow Gear 3 Luffy become far more deadly than before. With the shape of a giant hand, combined with the power of Haki, Luffy is capable of hitting any object with tremendous destructive power. Even Kraken, the sea monster was immediately knockout with only one hit.

6. Elizabello II
Elizabello II
Dubbed the "King of Punch", supposedly able to defeat the force of the blow Elizabello Yonkou strength. Nevertheless, the strongest blow Elizabello can only be used once every hour. So, how strong shot, he would be very easy to beat.

7. Sakazuki Akainu
Sakazuki Akainu
Users devil fruit powers Magu Magu no Mi, logia this magma is the replacement for Sengoku in Marine leadership after Sengoku, Garp and Aokiji exit from the Marine. His magma blow had killed Portgas D. Ace.

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