For anime fans, if the main character was added to the impression of character, nice style, especially with an interesting hair style, we will not get bored with the anime, from the beginning to the end of the episode. Here is a list of the 10 Best Anime Hair Styles In:
Selasa, 15 Desember 2015
Top 10 Anime Titles Category "Romance"

Hi, buddy! I will review one of the genre or category in the anime genre is romance or "love" in Japanese is called romansu. This post is also suitable for you who recommended in love anime anime shoujo romance and, immediately wrote yuk pal, we refer to the following list:
Senin, 14 Desember 2015
Anime and Manga Differences
Differences Anime and Manga is already very clear.
But maybe there are still many who do not know. Especially for those who are new to watch anime. So, this post is addressed to beginners anime lovers. ^ _ ^
Anime and Manga Differences
7 Character One Piece With Strongest Punch
Anime and Manga One Piece has a lot of characters who have incredible strength. Kind of strength is also very diverse, ranging from the art of the sword, kicks, blows up.
The most interesting to me is the strength of the form punch crusher. Of course, because Luffy, the main character in this anime, has the main force-type blow. But do you know that the character of one piece which is its main strength crusher blow not only Luffy alone ??? Well, here we try stacking 7
Most Beautiful girl characters in anime / manga One Piece
Besides the One Piece is also known for its unique artistic image. In terms of appearance, there is a character who looks very 'ancur' but there is also a character that looks very 'perfect'. In comparison, there are characters that ancur really like Ivankov, but there are also very beautiful like Boa Hancock.
Well, this time otaku Indonesia will discuss the 7 most beautiful female character in the anime / manga One Piece, our version, taken based on various considerations.
One Piece Movie Spesial Episode Nami
This story is similar to why the Arlong Arc, just shortened and image HD + is no difference between Seriesnya. So essentially the same as the movie tells 8 Chopper, and Movie 9 that tells Vivi. So this first Arc. Arlong be made in the form of the Movie.
Minggu, 13 Desember 2015
Dropped Naruto Manga Silver Spoon Appliances Charts
Because, Silver Spoon 11th volume just shifting Naruto volume 68 of the runner-up. Thus, Naruto now can only be entrenched in third place.
Bottom row ranking was followed by fiction-themed manga Assassination Classroom 8th edition and basketball manga volume Kuroko's Basketball 26
Top Manga mid-2015, One Piece hit Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins published by Kodansha occupy the top position by winning the overall sales figures up to 7.0594 million copies, while the One Piece issue of Shueisha just scooped 7,046,066 copies.
Overall sales of manga since November 2014 until the middle of this month, followed by Assassination Classroom in third with a gain of 5,231,158 copies, Attack on Titan in fourth place with 5,047,725 copies, and Haikyu !! in the fifth position with the number 3,588,366 copies.
Knocked Orange Romantic Manga Bleach in Oricon Appliances
Japanese manga stairs Oricon edition version 9 to 15 November 2015 has already announced recently. Who would have thought that shoujo manga (serialized pretty) Orange nuanced romantic anesthetize successful manga readers in Japan.
As quoted from Anime News Network, Thursday (11/19/2015), Orange volume 5 ranked first successful debut early this Oricon manga stairs. Bleach volume 70 was shifted into being in third place.
Bleach manga written by Tite Kubo will not appear in the next issue because the mangaka sore back.
Meanwhile, the second position was occupied by horror-themed manga Ajin - Demi-Human consistent volume 7 in the second position since the debut in the previous week.
Bleach manga written by Tite Kubo will not appear in the next issue because the mangaka sore back.
Meanwhile, the second position was occupied by horror-themed manga Ajin - Demi-Human consistent volume 7 in the second position since the debut in the previous week.
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015
Crocodile: Gif Animation & Animation Moving Pictures
In this category, you will find a picture of alligator and crocodile moving animated gif interesting! You can download or create direct links to clip art and animation Crocodile Crocodile on this page for free - when you click an image or a cartoon, you can see the details or details as appropriate.
The most interesting, you can send all pictures of the crocodile as greeting cards for family and friends for free and even add your own words in your personal eCard it.
Overview of the Comic Shingeki No Kyojin

One moment occurs, a young man named EREN who failed to eradicate Titan eaten alive. The
Jumat, 11 Desember 2015
The new groove Jim Gordon in "Batman Superman V: Dawn Of Justice
The world of cinema will be enlivened again by super-human stories, that Batman and Superman in the movie titled Batman Superman V: Dawn Of justice. Super human figure in Hollywood will be presented again to you fans of the comic story of the DC output. There is a story and a new plot of one of the figures are often portrayed in the movie Batman. If you normally see the movie Batman Superman V and find a character named Jim Gordon, but not this time. Or call people who are behind the scenes for a batman. In the latest series Batman later, Jim Gordon got a different role. As with any new info leaked from the film plan? we can get the info machination, because the film is still quite a long time its release date.
Excess anime One Piece, Fairy Tail, Naruto and Bleach
Maybe like that would happen if each of fans gathered, and debate the guns would be endless. Well ... therefore my own as fans of anime films, I had a view of his own about-Anime Anime is, and if you have another view of guns is also a problem, as we were the
List of anime characters smartest
List of anime characters smartest
In the anime series that often we watch, we often find the hero or the main character of an anime always been synonymous with power. With these powers, they were able to defeat musuh2 and then save the world, one that is important to them, or for the sake of getting something. But do you know that there are some anime characters that are not just relying on the muscles, but also brains to win something? Yep it's called intelligent anime character. Here daftar2 anime characters that rely more on their intellect than the physical ability.
9. Nara Shikamaru

force only Kagemane no jutsu, ato kageshibari no jutsu. In a series of characters in the anime Naruto guy, maybe he was the weakest. However, he has advantages not possessed by Naruto, or even Sasuke. Yes! he is very intelligent, and often uses his intelligence to be able to analyze the movement of your next opponent. This is thanks to his intelligence, he managed to survive this, even when dealing with Akatsuki.
8. Youichi Hiruma

Limbless as soon sena, and no power giants like Kurita. then what makes him able to lead Deimon to win Christmast bowl? Yes, his brain! he was classified as intelligent, and reliable in formulating the strategy. not to mention, he is very cunning. so, less what else?
7. Conan Edogawa

It feels I do not need to talk much about him ... all too uda know right? He was not ever fail mecahin any case. controlling aircraft, driving a boat, helicopter, ampe defuse the bomb! what he wrote could .. until sometimes I was rather annoyed ngeliatnya ...
6. Light Yagami

you know ?? yagami light instead should be ranked one ??? Eits .. do one first .... above the sky there is heaven. so, there are still some anime characters that are smarter than light. emang hell light was so perfect. handsome, sportsman, clever, idol women. not a handicap! deathnote in the series, he was even able to defeat L and almost dominate the world. But the light is too often behind the scenes. I mean, he rarely go directly to the front line. So, this is the only shortcoming light in my eyes. moreover, he was finally defeated by a near ....
5. L (Lawliet Lucious)

you know ... L losers by light why even in the rank 5 ?? gan patient ... in the story L was "lost" by light. but, it happened because the brakes are willing to sacrifice his life for killing L for mass. The brakes are not suppose to do that, maybe L will win. For L already know the identity of the light (just less evidence) and he managed to know the killer tool that turned out to be a book. great again, he began his investigations from zero .....
4. Yuki Nagato

Probably not many who know this character. he is Yuki Nagato from the series The Melancholoy of Haruhi Suzumiya. He is android. he can do anything, such as mastering the guitar in a while wrote, computer hacking, and many more. for who wants to know more about him, please air-ria googling ...
3. Zero aka Lelouch Lamperogue

Overall, this character is similar to light. intelligence may be level with light and L. but no point is there in him. She dared to go directly to the front line, led his army to fight against britannia, and designing taktik2 shocking. lebihnya point is, he managed to take over the throne britannia. compare it with the light and L who failed to fulfill his personal ambition. not to mention, he has the power of geass in his eyes. ... lost light & L ....
3. Professor Tenma

no need to discuss him at length. he is a great scientist, who was able to create the greatest robot on earth, atom. so, he deserves to be in this position.
2. Washu

He comes from the anime Tenchi Muyo. She is a goddess with age 20,000 years! he spends all his time to do research and study. and crazy again, he has the knowledge covering the entire universe. So, if the character is in position 2 not already there who protest right? before him, L, light, Conan even Lelouch looked so like a loser ...
In the anime series that often we watch, we often find the hero or the main character of an anime always been synonymous with power. With these powers, they were able to defeat musuh2 and then save the world, one that is important to them, or for the sake of getting something. But do you know that there are some anime characters that are not just relying on the muscles, but also brains to win something? Yep it's called intelligent anime character. Here daftar2 anime characters that rely more on their intellect than the physical ability.
9. Nara Shikamaru

force only Kagemane no jutsu, ato kageshibari no jutsu. In a series of characters in the anime Naruto guy, maybe he was the weakest. However, he has advantages not possessed by Naruto, or even Sasuke. Yes! he is very intelligent, and often uses his intelligence to be able to analyze the movement of your next opponent. This is thanks to his intelligence, he managed to survive this, even when dealing with Akatsuki.
8. Youichi Hiruma

Limbless as soon sena, and no power giants like Kurita. then what makes him able to lead Deimon to win Christmast bowl? Yes, his brain! he was classified as intelligent, and reliable in formulating the strategy. not to mention, he is very cunning. so, less what else?
7. Conan Edogawa

It feels I do not need to talk much about him ... all too uda know right? He was not ever fail mecahin any case. controlling aircraft, driving a boat, helicopter, ampe defuse the bomb! what he wrote could .. until sometimes I was rather annoyed ngeliatnya ...
6. Light Yagami

you know ?? yagami light instead should be ranked one ??? Eits .. do one first .... above the sky there is heaven. so, there are still some anime characters that are smarter than light. emang hell light was so perfect. handsome, sportsman, clever, idol women. not a handicap! deathnote in the series, he was even able to defeat L and almost dominate the world. But the light is too often behind the scenes. I mean, he rarely go directly to the front line. So, this is the only shortcoming light in my eyes. moreover, he was finally defeated by a near ....
5. L (Lawliet Lucious)

you know ... L losers by light why even in the rank 5 ?? gan patient ... in the story L was "lost" by light. but, it happened because the brakes are willing to sacrifice his life for killing L for mass. The brakes are not suppose to do that, maybe L will win. For L already know the identity of the light (just less evidence) and he managed to know the killer tool that turned out to be a book. great again, he began his investigations from zero .....
4. Yuki Nagato

Probably not many who know this character. he is Yuki Nagato from the series The Melancholoy of Haruhi Suzumiya. He is android. he can do anything, such as mastering the guitar in a while wrote, computer hacking, and many more. for who wants to know more about him, please air-ria googling ...
3. Zero aka Lelouch Lamperogue

Overall, this character is similar to light. intelligence may be level with light and L. but no point is there in him. She dared to go directly to the front line, led his army to fight against britannia, and designing taktik2 shocking. lebihnya point is, he managed to take over the throne britannia. compare it with the light and L who failed to fulfill his personal ambition. not to mention, he has the power of geass in his eyes. ... lost light & L ....
3. Professor Tenma

no need to discuss him at length. he is a great scientist, who was able to create the greatest robot on earth, atom. so, he deserves to be in this position.
2. Washu

He comes from the anime Tenchi Muyo. She is a goddess with age 20,000 years! he spends all his time to do research and study. and crazy again, he has the knowledge covering the entire universe. So, if the character is in position 2 not already there who protest right? before him, L, light, Conan even Lelouch looked so like a loser ...
Top 10 Best Anime Battle
This time, I would like to invite all my friends to discuss the
'Top 10 anime fight'. Honestly, I've often similar posts
look at blog abroad. Only, it seems to be interesting if
I make my own version. Well, considering some
aspects, sources, and also advice and input from some of my friends,
finally I can gather 10 best fight in the world of anime
can not wait?? Okay .... let us consider together ..
Main plot Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Disclosed
Warner Bros. planned release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in March 2016. Ahead of its release is still long enough, the various types of teaser was one by one began to be disclosed, ranging from photo Batmobile until the trailer premiere that aired some time ago.
Now, Collider reported by the media, the main plot of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was also disclosed to overcome the curiosity of the fans who have watched the trailer but are still wondering the core story of the film.
"Concerned with the superhero action as the god unpunished, penyiaga Gotham City are tough and strong to face the savior of the modern world of Metropolis, while the world still hostile heroes what kind of world it wants. With Batman and Superman fought each other with one another, a new threat emerged rapidly, placing humanity in greater danger they had ever known before. "
"Concerned with the superhero action as the god unpunished, penyiaga Gotham City are tough and strong to face the savior of the modern world of Metropolis, while the world still hostile heroes what kind of world it wants. With Batman and Superman fought each other with one another, a new threat emerged rapidly, placing humanity in greater danger they had ever known before. "
Kamis, 10 Desember 2015
The Lorax
Title: The Lorax
Thneedvile a plastic city where trees are made in the factory and turned on using batrei. The original tree is long gone, and if we look at the brand to buy a gallon, do not guess wrong they buy water. Not at all, they bought fresh air because their air is especially dirty if not because there's no trees. They also do not care where all waste is disposed. Demi makes Audrey who want to see the tree Ted desperate search for Once-ler. According to his grandmother if Ted wants to know about what is happening on the fate of the trees that in the past he had to meet with Once-ler living outside Thneedville. Areas outside Thneedville really much different, but the dark and stuffy air in the area, in an old house, Once-ler called his grandmother lived. Ted did not greeted with ramahtapi when Ted said he wanted to know about what happened in the past with tree Once-ler willing to tell. It is said that when the Once-ler is still young, he went wandering in search of material for his creations Thneed. Until he arrived at a place where a lot of Truffula trees grow, the animals live comfortably and quietly. And that's what he needed. Truffula tree. When felling a tree felled trees from the former it appears the Lorax, debt guard speaking on behalf trees.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Year: 2012
Cast: Danny DeVito as The Lorax, Ed Helms as Once-ler, Zac Efron as Ted, Taylor Swift as Audrey, Rob Riggle as Mr. O 'Hare

review manga Last Game
Title: Last Game
Manga: Amano Shinobu / Amano Shinobu
Genre: Shoujo, Romance, Drama, Comedy, School Life
Chapter: 1-11.5
Volume: 00-2
Status: Ongoing
Yanagi Hisato born as children of the rich, handsome, clever in lessons and sports and admired by many people. He never lost and always be number 1. He is so confident with what they have until one day when she was in elementary school, the class got a transfer student. A disciple named Kujou Mikoto, from his appearance he looks like an ordinary student wrote. But for the first time Yanagi defeated. Since the arrival Kujou, Yanagi lose in terms of lessons and sport and it annoyed because Kujou seems he does not consider it remarkable even though many friends praised him. Moreover Kujou say that it is proud of his father Yanagi Yanagi not alone. Esteem guy that feels trampled by an ordinary girl who even minimal expression. Yanagi then work harder to defeat Kujou to the extent that he fainted while going to school and so woke up he was in the house Kujou. Kujou only lived alone with his mother, his father died in an accident. Because his mother left work Kujou feel should be independent and do not want to trouble her
Yashio to Mikumo
Title: Yashio and Mikumo / Yashio to Mikumo
Manga: Nari Kusakawa / Kusakawa Nari
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, Shoujo
Volume: 7
Status: Completed
Hi manga lovers!
This manga steal my attention not long ago, I found it in conjunction with The Story of Saiunkoku. Out of curiosity I borrow the manga was not long after his last volume came out.
Next to the human world there are nine dead cat world. As the name suggests they have nine lives, in

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, Shoujo
Volume: 7
Status: Completed
Hi manga lovers!
This manga steal my attention not long ago, I found it in conjunction with The Story of Saiunkoku. Out of curiosity I borrow the manga was not long after his last volume came out.
Next to the human world there are nine dead cat world. As the name suggests they have nine lives, in
Beast fairy tale: The hare Got The rock!
The wind that blows breezy-breezy make sleepy forest dwellers. Likewise with Si hare. To dispel the sleepiness she take a walk in the forest, puffing out his chest. While walking he said, "Who does not know the hare. The clever, the clever and the brave. Every problem must have finished me". When he reached the river, he immediately drank to relieve his thirst. The water is so clear to make the hare can look in the mirror. He spoke alone. "Crocodile, Elephant, Tiger all dumb animals, if they can deal with me I Deceive".
10 Superhero DC Most Famous
Marvel and DC are two giants that rule the world of superhero comics. As with Marvel, DC continues to raise his name in the world with the release of many suphero or super hero who continues to worldwide such as Superman, Batman and so on. So, who are 10 characters suphero DC's most known world? Here are 10 of the most popular DC hero.
Rabu, 09 Desember 2015
Classroom Crisis' finally give a synopsis trailer
In addition, for the first time this anime cover songs sung from Claris, "Anemone", which played in part.
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Pictures of Romantic Love
Pictures of the following special Romantic Love I present to you who are in love. Love is very beautiful if we know how to live properly. But love can also be a sharp knife ready meluakai anyone who dared to play them love. Be careful in love, mencintailah sincere and in accordance with the religion.
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Picture Animation Moving .gif .jpg Funny Banget - set Picture Animation Moving Funny Latest, God bless you updates again, this time Solution-u Blog want for the image Animation Moving Funny , So for those of you who are looking for Image Animation Moving Funny for wallpaper mobile phone you or the other, perhaps Moving Pictures Animation Funny following this could be one of your choice. Funny Moving Pictures Animation
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10 Best Anime Movies For Adults
Like anime? What kind of anime is preferred? Ancients no term cartoons, which became favorite shows children. Then there is also the term anime, who returned to make children as a target. But over time, there are many adults who attracted like it. We can easily find anime anime that is not intended for children. In other words, adult anime was already widely produced. In addition to great graphics, the story was re-age readers.
Here is a list of anime adults who obtain a fairly good review. It's not the newest release of the year, but because the quality is good, is entitled to enter the top 10. Jom!
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)
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Selasa, 08 Desember 2015
He is in the Top 10 Japanese Anime World Mandatory You Watch

Who as a child often sits in front of a television tuned cartoons, especially on the weekends? If we remember the past, certainly so many cartoons row that we look forward to his presence and the majority of those cartoons that came from the State Sakura, Japan. Talk about animation, Japan is the most superior and should not be underestimated. The proof is combined creativity and technology in these animated films were able to anesthetize our eyes. Many also know people who are obsessed with animated films and showed through a variety of ways such as collecting figures from various forms of animation. Japanese animation is indeed worthy of interest and serve as entertainment. Because it has an exciting storyline and always successful for us curious.
10 World The Best Animated Film Oscar Gets
Oscar is the most prestigious film awards and highly anticipated by film-makers of the world. Academy Award also called Oscar trophies awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), an organization of professional respect for the actor and actress. One of the categories in the award Academy Award Oscar for Best Animated Film. Maybe this could be a recommendation spectacle of children who must be accompanied with parents. The following 10 List of the best animated films in the world:
stories deer and monkeys

Wahhh .... Apparently hare forget not eat breakfast, so the stomach hunger. "aduuuh duhhh, hungry am I? I'm lazy to find food, where to? ow where I should look for ??? oh the monkey house !!!!"
soon the deer walked into the monkey house with no food at home monkey expectations.
The story of pigeon and cassowary

cassowary story and pigeons
Because of his pride that he does not like other birds. They also consider the cassowary has gone too far and must be stopped. Finally, the birds gather to discuss these issues. After various ways filed
Funniest Cartoon house in World
The fan of the animated cartoon was not only fond of his character in the fictional world, but carried to the real world. The fans are build houses exactly with home favorite character in the animation.
The photos below are 10 homes whose owners are inspired or a rabid fan of the animated characters.
1. Minnie Mouse's House
Minnie house is pink and lavender, this house not only looks cute on the outside but also full of equipment in it. This house can be seen in Mickey's Toontown Fair, in Orlando, Florida
Quotes of Winnie the Pooh
The first film released in 1966, entitled Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree.

In her latest adventure, Pooh woke up starving and no honey at his home and traveled to satisfy his hunger.
The film opens with the classic Winnie the Pooh song were given a contemporary twist by musician Zooey Deschanel and the opening scene of Christopher Robin's bedroom which tells that the audience will enter the world of imagination boys itu.Namun hampered its mission to help find Eeyore's tail and also had to save Christopher Robin from an imaginary creature, named Backson.
Cartoon Rated in World
Here is a List of the most recognized in the World Animation
Tom and Jerry is an animated series United States of America MGM production that tells the story of a pair of cat (Tom) and a mouse (Jerry) who always fight. This animated series is an Academy Award (Oscar) and form the basis of a successful series studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). Short stories they have created, written and directed by two animators William Hanna and Joseph Barbera (they kemudain famous as Hanna-Barbera).
Production of Tom and Jerry returned to Hollywood in 1963, done by Sib-Tower 12 Productions leadership of Chuck Jones. This production series lasted until 1967.
Tom and Jerry resurfaced in television cartoons show Hanna-Barbera production (1975-1977;
1990-1993) and Filmation Studios (1980-1982).
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Finally all the questions answered. What is the reason Regent steal the powers of the superhero? Who are the heroes who still survive and survive? Is Annie finally able to use its power as long as he wants? Already deh, if it follows the series Amazing Spider-Man: The Renew Your Vows outset (read review of issue # 1- # 3 her), game purchase or download and read, but if it's not really curious and curiosity-not buru- Rush want to know the sequel, yes already, please be listened to first synopsis (contains spoilers) and the review below.
Captain America: Civil War "Whose Side Are You On?"
BAAAMMMMMM !!! Prepare yourself for a few days next film Captain America: Civil War officially opens in theaters on May 6, 2015. Those who often read Marvel comics from the beginning would have been very, very looking forward to how the film is going to run. Well, although it will not be exactly like in the comics.
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